WD-40® as a Forensic Tool
David Deady

How Vietnam Enrolled 70 million citizens in their National ID Database in Just 2 Years!
Thomas Starr

Dioss Smart Solutions and Integrated Biometrics Expand Access to Identity
Thomas Starr

Using Identity to Promote Secure Inclusion for Nearly 220 Million Nigerians
Thomas Starr

Greater Security and Identity Validation in Over 450 Redpagos Locations
Thomas Starr

Helping The Central Bank of Nigeria Keep Customer Accounts Secure
David Gerulski

Charting A New Course for Elections In Guinea
Innovatrics and IB have combined forces numerous times on a variety of successful projects. IB’s biometric fingerprint scanners have consistently proved to be the safest, most accurate biometric devices available.
David Gerulski

Meeting the Identity Challenge to Feed Millions
David Gerulski

Education Uses for Integrated Biometrics Technology
Pakistan is working to rescue an education system plagued by fraud through an innovative project utilizing mobile fingerprint biometrics.
David Gerulski

Healthcare Uses for Integrated Biometrics technology
A unique healthcare project in Nairobi, Kenya is using biometric fingerprint technology to help identify and track human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-exposed infants in need of anti-retroviral therapy.
David Gerulski

Financial Uses for Integrated Biometrics Technology
Mexican government agencies, banks, and other financial institutions are using fingerprintbiometrics to facilitate the proper identification of individuals for electronic payments in an effort to mitigate fraud by individuals looking to scam the system.
David Gerulski