Integrated Biometrics develops and manufactures FBI-certified fingerprint biometric scanners that utilize durable, patented light emitting sensor (LES) film. This unique, patented technology enables our world-class fingerprint solutions to work in direct sunlight on dry or moist fingers and resist abrasion.

IB Les Film


LES technology is the only biometric technology that can meet the stringent image performance requirements of the FBI in a “thin” form factor (less than 1 mm thick). Whether integrating with smartphones, tablets, or other mobile solutions, LES fuels the smallest and lightest forensic quality roll scanners available in the market today, 90-95% smaller and lighter than traditional optical scanners.


LES Technology used on Five-0



…the most important groups are manual laborers — whose fingerprints tend to wear off from excessive use of their hands—and children, whose fingerprints are not fully developed or undergo changes with development; as well as the disabled or amputees. These challenging cases require adopting exception‐handling protocols (which may be relevant for 1 to 2 percent of the population) in order to ensure total inclusion. Exception handling for biometric capture may include the use of: newer fingerprint scanners based on thin film imaging devices (e.g., light emitting sensors) instead of traditional optical sensors. – World Bank

Access more details about our LES film via the FAQ below. If you have technical or other questions about LES film or any of our biometric fingerprint solutions, please call +1 888 840-8034 or email

LES TechnologyIntegrated Biometrics develops and manufactures FBI-certified fingerprint biometric scanners that utilize durable, patented light emitting sensor (LES) film.

Technology FAQs

Integrated Biometrics’ Light Emitting Sensor (LES) film is a revolutionary patented technology that generates a detailed fingerprint image using a multilayer, polymer composite containing particles that luminesce (give off light) in the presence of an electrical field.

When a finger is placed on the LES film, the skin of the ridges of the fingerprint completes a low-level electric circuit, causing the particles in the film to luminesce or emit light, producing a highly accurate, high resolution (500 PPI) analog image of the fingerprint. The image is then captured, creating an Appendix F, FBI-quality image for flat or rolled fingerprints.

Faq Les

The LES Sensor System consists of 4 functional elements: LES film, image camera, LES driver circuit, and communication circuits for different outputs, such as USB or parallel.

Because LES film is flexible, LES fingerprint scanning sensors can integrate into solutions of any shape or size, even curved sensors. LES film can also be printed onto substrates, including glass, allowing for fingerprint authentication/identification without a distinctly visible sensor or button.

There are many types of fingerprint sensors using different technologies in varying form factors. When comparing original ink-on-paper techniques, optical, capacitive, RF Field, and ultrasound sensor technologies, electroluminescent film like Light Emitting Sensor (LES) provides advances throughout each step of the capture process.

Area Sensors Swipe Sensors
Flat or curved surfaces where a finger is touched or rolled onto the surface. A small rectangle with a width typically larger than the finger and a height that is just few pixels, in which a finger is swept over, and image slices are combined into a two-dimensional image using embedded software.
Multiple images may be taken while the finger is touching the sensor, capturing different positions and perspectives. The sensor can be very small, allowing for a lower cost sensor; however, it could perform erratically, requiring repeated swipes to confirm a match.
They come in a variety of sizes that could accommodate the width of a rolled fingerprint or even multiple finger or palm images captured simultaneously. The sweeping motion provides to keep the sensor free from debris and latent fingerprints; however, it does not improve the inherent technology’s ability to read dry, dirty, oily or wet fingerprints.
Certification standards specify nomenclature for sensor area sizes. Swipe sensor technology does not meet FBI certification standards.
To gather enough unique detail, the user must register a fingerprint multiple times in various orientations, which creates a composite profile against which partial fingerprints for a limited number of subjects can be matched. The stitching process to combine image slices requires additional embedded software and has the potential to introduce image processing errors. Reconstruction of the image allows artifacts to be introduced, creating areas of the image that are not real.

The US Government has become the standards group for fingerprint readers. The standards have been developed by the FBI and are used around the world to ensure fingerprint readers meet high quality standards. There are two basic standards: Personal Identity Verification (“PIV”) and “Appendix F” of the Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification (EBTS). PIV defines a set of standards that applies to the lower quality of the fingerprint image. When these standards are achieved, the capture device is deemed to be “certified” at one or more levels of operation. The standards ensure consistency of quality, usability, and interoperability. Personal Identity Verification standards have a quality level to allow one-to-one verification. Most PIV-certified sensors generally are FTIR optical with the exception of IB’s LES sensors, although one capacitive sensor has been certified. There are two standards currently in use for fingerprints:

  • Appendix F requires the highest level of quality. Appendix F-certified devices are capable of 1:1 matching but can also handle 1:N and 1:N identification. US Government validation has shown that large databases (N) require larger size sensors (FAP 30, 45, 60) and multiple finger enrollment to accomplish the objective of rapid, post-enrollment matching. All these certified sensors are either FTIR Optical or IB’s LES sensors.
  • PIV-071006 is a lower-level standard designed to support one-to-one fingerprint verification. Certification is available for devices intended for use in the FIPS 201 PIV program.

Certification provides assurance that biometric collection solutions meet or exceed minimum FBI-defined interoperability standards and work with the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Information System (IAFIS) and other AFIS database systems used around the world. Adherence to these standards ensures that images retained by the system are of a specific, high quality and support all phases of identification for both fingerprint experts and IAFIS.

A certified unit corresponds to a specific combination of hardware and software configured together to deliver images of impressions that could be useful to both examiners and IAFIS/NGI. Current testing models provide “ideal conditions” to meet standards that often are far different from real-world operational use cases. End users are encouraged to consider and discuss a wide range of topics with vendors, including architecture, security, and operating conditions.

Encryption provides communications between the scanner and external devices or applications using 256-bit AES keys and RSA algorithms. This closed loop approach protects biometric data at the point of acquisition, across field wiring, and into the host application. By combining onboard security chipsets, private/public key structures, and industry best practices, this ensures that sensitive personal information receives the highest level of scanner encryption currently available.

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