Integrated Biometrics works with a global network of partners to deliver advanced identity solutions for a range of industries. Our integrators provide lightweight, fast, and easy-to-use solutions with more spoof protection than traditional optical scanners for end users in homeland security, border patrol, law enforcement, background checks, military and defense, social services, national ID programs, national elections, and other government and commercial applications where identity is required.

Partner SolutionsIntegrated Biometrics products utilize our patented LES (light emitting sensor) film delivering best-in-class performance in speed, size, weight, ease of use, and durability for affordable high performance mobile solutions.
VERO product
Akiyama Logo

VERO: Vero is a mobile case consisting of a smartphone and Integrated Biometrics' fingerprint scanner, Five-0. It captures fingerprints and face in congested environments such as airport queues, migratory controls and police checkpoints, providing greater mobility, agility, security and ease. Vero Match enables FBI-certified, FAP 50, 10-finger enrollment and verification in a compact, modular design. Learn More

Arana Biobox
Aranasecuritylogo Primary Rgb

Arana Security: Arana Security specialises in biometric solutions, including access control, ID, payment and surveillance systems. Arana works on the basis of providing full end-to-end integrated solutions to their clients, managing projects from start to finish. They work with top manufacturers to bring the most state-of-the-art technology to the market which offers the best in security. Learn More

Bpt800 With Integrated Biometrics Sherlock Fingeprint Scanner Product
Dkc горизонтальний Logo

BPT-800: A mobile solution that swiftly provides high-quality document checks. This device can be used for automatic and simultaneous reading of data from the MRZ, RFID-chips, contactless cards, scanning of fingerprints, as well as for checking against databases. The BPT-800 utilizes Integrated Biometrics’ LES technology, which captures fingerprints even from wet and dirty hands. Learn More

3 Devices Biorugged
Bio Rugged logo New Ver Illus

BioRugged: BioRugged designs, manufactures, and supports our own range of BioRugged hardware as well as custom built solutions. Through our partner consortium, we supply client specific turn key biometric projects for example elections, census SIM card registration, and border control. Learn More

Integrated Biometrics Bpi Services Imatch
Bpi Logo

iMatch: iMatch (BPI) is the first true wireless mobile capture device that meets the requirements of professionals in border control, law enforcement and immigration. Our iMatch mobile capture devices are compliant with international standards and utilize the Integrated Biometrics FAP45 & FAP50 fingerprint scanners. The iMatch works seamlessly together with iOS and Android smartphones using its Secure Bluetooth Low Energy technology. This makes it the perfect mobile solution for fingerprint capture and identity document verification. Learn More

Coppernic Citizen Enrollment Integrated Biometrics Fingerprint Scanner Product Integration
Coppernic Mobility Connected Data Analytics Logo

ID Platform FAP50: The ID Platform FAP50 is revolutionizing biometric enrollment by enabling citizens access to economic, social, and political activities of their countries. The FAP 50 ten-print device (4/4/2) is used in the complete biometric enrollment of individuals while also reducing capture time and increasing the productivity of field operators. Learn More

Credence Idb Solution Integrated Biometrics Product Integration
Credence Id Logo

Trident™: Trident™ is a completely integrated multi-modal mobile biometrics device that combines the world’s smallest and fastest FAP 45 fingerprint scanner, the world’s first binocular-type iris capture on a mobile device and a stunning five MP auto-focus camera with flash. Trident™ runs on the latest Android 4.1.2 OS, widely deployed and proven mobile operating system. Learn More

Dataworks Fingerprint Scanner Integrated Biometrics Product Technology
Dataworks Plus Logo

Evolution Multimodal: DataWorks Plus’ Evolution multimodal identification device provides fast, mobile fingerprint or facial recognition in a lightweight, ruggedized case. The Evolution collection of devices is comprised of handheld smartphone devices or integrated all-in-one tablets. Evolutions include a patented light-emitting sensor technology with large fingerprint capture area ranging from FBI FAP-30 to FBI FAP-50 certification for optimal accuracy. Learn More

Evolution 5150 Leftslap Edited
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Evolution 5150: DataWorks Plus’ Evolution multimodal identification device provides fast, mobile fingerprint or facial recognition in a lightweight, ruggedized case. The Evolution collection of devices is comprised of handheld smartphone devices or integrated all-in-one tablets. Evolutions include a patented light-emitting sensor technology with large fingerprint capture area ranging from FBI FAP-30 to FBI FAP-50 certification for optimal accuracy. Learn More

A10 정면
Gen 2 Wave 회사 로고 파일젠투웨이브

The BIO Sled A10: Bio SLED A10 is the versatile mobile platform which is compatible with Android smartphones and tablets. It features a Fingerprint (Integrated Biometrics, FAP30), Contact-type Smartcard and HID iClass Reader, designed to meet the increasing demands of governments, law enforcement, criminal justice, airports, maritime facilities/vessels, and any other high-security environments. The Bio Sled A10 delivers an automated, swift, reliable, and seamless identification/verification management system in mobile environment. Gen2Wave is a manufacturer of rugged enterprise mobile terminals with biometrics and automatic data capture functionalities. Their product portfolio consists of various form factors from handhelds to tablets and built with functionalities for access control, citizen identification, KYC (Know Your Customer), workforce management, air/sea port security, and more. Learn More

Product Panel X Series Front Scaled
Grabba Partner Logo

Grabba: End-to-end integration of the latest biometric identity authentication and data capture technologies. Over 20 years’ experience creating innovative solutions trusted by forward-thinking businesses and governments around the world. Learn More

Gripid Fap 30 50 Products
Vector Gripid Logo Color

GripID: GripID is a growing leader in biometric technologies and solutions. Turning any smartphone, tablet, or computer into professional biometric control devices, GripID designs innovations for government-grade identity management with its patented Wi-Fi and Bluetooth pairing system. Based in Paris, France, GripID is setting new standards in digital security through identity, biometry, and blockchain. Learn More

Humanintech Logo

Human Intech: Human Intech is a technology innovated company developing and manufacturing access controlling systems, integrated security systems, smart nameplates, and more. These innovative systems are based on various applications and development capabilities for industrial devices, home appliances, and mobile devices: technology designed for unltra-integrated and ultra-light embedded platforms. Learn More

Handheld 1
Id Secure Logo

ID Secure: ID Secure is a US founded Identity & Biometrics Solution specialist; offering a full range of configurable, rugged and FBI Certified handhelds, tablets and jumpkits. We understand the identity industry and your project's specific hardware requirements from TAA compliance to MIL-SPEC certification; taking all components into consideration throughout our design, engineering and manufacturing processes. Learn More

Identity Kit Operation Setup Front Top Left 1
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Biometric Registration Kits: Laxton is a global leader in election management, citizen identity, border security, and law enforcement solutions. We specialize in developing proprietary hardware and software systems, delivering end-to-end solutions to register, verify, and authenticate individuals. Our product range includes a variety of biometric devices designed for different use cases and operating environments. Learn More

Chameleon 8 And 5 Ib Range Integrated Biometrics Product Partner
Chamelon Company Logo

Chameleon Tablets: Chameleon is the most adaptable range of biometric handhelds, tablets, and desktop devices in the world. Chameleon products are highly configurable with multi-modal biometric and data capture features for the rapid and seamless capture of biometric and biographic information. These products are ideal for all forms of identity registration, authentication, law enforcement, and immigration applications in any environment. Learn More

Nec Moible Fingerprint Scanner Integrated Biometrics
Nec Company Logo

NeoScan 45: Designed for public safety applications in the field, NeoScan 45 delivers the highest degree of speed and accuracy for mobile fingerprint roll and plain capture, including simultaneous two-finger capture. Learn More

Biosled Watson Integrated Biometrics Integration Product
Northrop Gruman Logo

BioSled: Northrop Grumman’s BioSled is a mobile biometric device powered by an Android™ smartphone. A ruggedized, single-form-factor device, BioSled performs DoD-compliant, multi-modal biometric collection and onboard matching using an Integrated Biometrics Sherlock fingerprint sensor and IriTech’s IriShield™ dual iris camera. Learn More

Safy Id Screen And Fingerprint Scanner Integrated Biometrics
Safyid Company Logo

SafyID Biometric Terminals: SafyID is a leading provider of biometric systems and identification solutions in the Czech Republic. The SafyID Biometric Terminal line includes the Winpad in 9″ or 11″, as well as the Winkiosk in 17″ or 24″. Learn More

Secom Danno
Secom Company Logo

Biofad Fingerprint Devices: Secom specializes in developing integrated solutions to improve law enforcement operations. They collaborate with Police Forces in the management of criminal and biometric information, providing over 2000 criminal registration systems worldwide.

Secom develops unique mobile identification systems and creates devices for acquiring and managing information at the border points.

Each solution is developed and produced in-house, using the latest technologies available with the support of the world's best partners in the criminal justice sector. The specifications of each device or solution derive from an analysis always made with the end customer to meet and exceed their expectations. Learn More

Sic Biometric Solutions Fingerprint Scanners Integrated Biometrics Fbi Certified Products
Sic Biometrics Company Logo

S.I.C. Biometric Solutions: S.I.C. Biometrics offers mobile identity solutions for government and law enforcement communities using Sherlock, Watson-mini or Columbo sensors, complemented by iris camera, barcode scanner and smart card readers (PIV/CAC/TWIC/ISO/EMV). S.I.C. SMARTcases are available on iOS, Android or Windows smartphones and tablets, generating compliant files to be submitted to Interpol, FBI, and other AFIS systems. Learn More

Mbas Bs Finger Print 5 Roll Scanner Integreated Biometrics
Smartcore Company Logo

MBAS® BS: MBAS® BS is a seamlessly integrated device for capturing face and fingerprint data. The device minimizes time in enrolling biometric data, while it generating high-quality images in real-world environments. To capture good-quality facial images regardless of users’ heights, MBAS® BS adopts 5MP autofocus camera that moves up and down to focus on a user’s face. The device employs LES sensor technology for flawless enrollment of four-finger and two-finger scans and rolled prints. The monitor displays hassle-free messages of biometric data enabling users to follow the capturing process smoothly. MBAS® BS is the perfect solution to capture biometric data in a wide variety of areas such as immigration clearance, national ID, and e-passport / visa issuance. Learn More

Hotel Checkin Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Scanner
Touche Logo

Touche: Interact with merchants by just using your fingers, enjoy benefits and make payments as fast, easy and comfortable as you have always wanted. It will no longer be necessary to repeat your likes, dislikes, sizes or anything else that makes you unique. As a merchant you can create long-term relationships, configure your own loyalty program and create specific offers, convert a simple touch to a big push for your businesses. Learn More

Xf Fap 50
2t Logo Yourway

The XF: The XF, with an integrated FAP 50 Five-0, when used with supported Android™ devices, can be used in a variety of applications and environments that require biometrics for identity and verification. With the XF, you can take advantage of Android's many features, easily replace and upgrade components, and access real-time data even in harsh conditions. Learn More

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FieldBio: FieldBio, An Extension of your Security Team
Combining law-enforcement grade fingerprint scanners, ID readers and biometric face-match technology, FieldBio is a full security station packed in a single handheld device. Simple scan-and-click technology means your team can verify identity in seconds with no additional training required. Ideal for use in constant motion and in all weather, FieldBio is used and trusted by government agencies, border control and security teams around the world. Learn More

Tablet Scanner Connection Integrated Biometrics Integration
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Ares: Ares, a fast, light-weight biometric collection platform designed for use on Android Phones and Tablets. Ares is capable of rapidly collecting biometrics, photographs, biographical data, packing and validating transactions, submitting transactions and receiving match responses from Federal, State and Local Automated Fingerprint Identifications Systems (AFIS). Learn More

Javelin Xl Open
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JavelinXL: This advanced biometric collection, storage and match system includes FBI Appendix F-certified, four-finger scanning for mobile identification using IB’s Five-0 and and iris matching using a dual-eye iris camera running Ares Mobile Biometric Application. Learn More

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