Fbi Purchase Mobile Fingerprint Scanners
FBI Goes Mobile With 450 Integrated Biometrics FIVE-0 Fingerprint Scanners

Nov 13th, 2017

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FBI Goes Mobile With 450 Integrated Biometrics FIVE-0 Fingerprint Scanners Integrated Biometrics today announced that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) purchased 450 units of the company’s new FIVE-0 mobile fingerprint scanners. Integrated Biometrics’ FIVE-0 is the industry’s first FAP 50 FBI Appendix F Certified, AFIS compatible 10-finger scanner that is small enough to fit into a shirt pocket.
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Biometrics in the U.S. Voting Process

Oct 19th, 2016

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Biometrics in the U.S. Voting Process Biometric Update publishes breaking news, analysis, and research about the global biometrics market. Its news coverage places special emphasis on national security, privacy and regulatory issues, along with examining the latest industrial, commercial and residential applications for biometrics technology.

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