Connect Id 2018 Next Generation Identity Solutions Conference Ib
May 2nd, 2018   •    Press Releases

Integrated Biometrics Demonstrates Growing Technological Leadership in Mobile Biometric Fingerprint Scanners at Connect:ID 2018

Industry leaders tascent, vision box, grabba, laxton, innovatrics, neuro technology, irisid, dev technology, get group, and others exhibit mobile identity solutions incorporating company’s patented, low-power, light emitting sensor (les) technology.

Washington, DC (USA) – 02 May 2018. Integrated Biometrics continues to extend its technological lead in lightweight, mobile fingerprint scanners for the FBI-certified market.

That leadership is in evidence at the fourth annual Connect:ID event being held now in Washington, DC. (

Dozens of Integrated Biometrics partners and customers from around the world, including Tascent, Vision Box, Grabba, Laxton, Innovatrics, Neuro Technology, IrisID, Dev Technology, GET Group, and others are exhibiting at Connect:ID, demonstrating mobile identity solutions that incorporate the company’s low-power, fingerprint scanners.

Connect:ID has become the world’s premier event dedicated to all aspects of human identity technology and its implementation in the digital, mobile, and physical domains, growing as governments, the private sector, and consumers, increasingly recognize the importance of secure identity solutions. The event focuses how to use these systems in a way that is natural and frictionless, yet also trusted and sensitive to privacy concerns.

For more information on Integrated Biometrics or the company’s comprehensive line of rugged, low-power, compact fingerprint scanners, visit, email, or call (888) 840-8034.


About Integrated Biometrics
Integrated Biometrics (IB), a pioneer in biometric fingerprint technology, designs and manufactures advanced, high-resolution touchless and FBI-certified contact identity solutions for government, law enforcement, military, social services, and a wide range of commercial applications. IB’s lightweight scanners, supported by our patented light-emitting sensor (LES) technology, outperform traditional fingerprint devices in size, power consumption, portability, and reliability. Global organizations rely on IB’s products to enroll and verify identities quickly and accurately, even in remote locations under extreme conditions. Commercial enterprises, government and financial services organizations depend on IB to build innovative, secure applications to establish identity in accordance with national and international standards. For more information, visit:

Integrated Biometrics Demonstrates Growing Technological Leadership in Mobile Biometric Fingerprint Scanners at Connect:ID 2018Dozens of Integrated Biometrics partners and customers from around the world, including Tascent, Vision Box, Grabba, Laxton, Innovatrics, Neuro Technology, IrisID, Dev Technology, GET Group, and others are exhibiting at Connect:ID.

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